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Source language
Frans Coucou! Je tenais à t'envoyer un petit sms pour...
Coucou! Je tenais à t'envoyer un petit sms pour te féliciter ainsi que ton épouse pour la venue de votre petite fille!! Longue vie à elle! Amitiés.

Vertalings gedaan
Albanies qyqe
Bulgaars Здравей! Исках да ти изпратя съобщение...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgaars Не спирам да се боря за щастието си. Продължавам...
Не спирам да се боря за щастието си. Продължавам напред

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Non smetto....
Frans Je n’arrête pas de me battre pour mon ...
Source language
Frans Les organisations internationales sont donc impuissantes?
En quelques années, le programme alimentaire mondial a perdu la moitié de son budget, qui n'est plus que de 3,2 milliards. Les pays riches ne cotisent plus. Ils doivent sauver leurs banques. C'est à dire les spéculateurs.
La lutte contre la faim dans le monde passe après. J'appelle cela un crime contre l'humanité.
Propos de Jean Ziegler, recueillis par un quotidien régional français, au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive".

Vertalings gedaan
Engels So, are international organizations powerless?
Italiaans Le organizzazioni internazionali sono dunque impotenti?
Grieks Τελικά είναι ανίσχυροι οι διεθνείς οργανισμοί;
Spaans ¿Entonces las organizaciones internacionales son impotentes?
Duits Die internationalen Organisationen sind also machtlos?
Brasiliaanse Portugees Então as organizações internacionais são impotentes?
Sweeds Är internationella organisationer maktlösa?
Nederlands Dus, zijn internationale organisaties machteloos?
Deens Så er internationale organisationer magtesløse?
Romeens Organizaţiile internaţionale sunt deci neputincioase?
Bulgaars Безсилни ли са международните организации?
Farsie-Persies بدین سان، آیا سازمان های بین المللی ناتوان هستند؟
Russies Международные организации бессильны?
Sjinees vereenvoudig 国际组织是无能的吗?
Noors Er Internasjonale organisasjoner maktesløse?
Turks Yani uluslararası organizasyonlar güçsüz mü?
Source language
Bulgaars Светът принадлежи на смелите
Светът принадлежи на смелите

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Le monde appartient aux gens courageux.
Italiaans Il mondo appartiene ai coraggiosi
Source language
Bulgaars Не искам да ми липсва нищо
Не искам да ми липсва нищо

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Je ne veux manquer de rien.
Italiaans Voglio che non mi manchi nulla
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgaars Мечтай, сякаш ще живееш вечно
Мечтай, сякаш ще живееш вечно

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Rêve, comme si tu allais vivre toujours.
Italiaans Sogna, come se dovessi vivere per sempre
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgaars непозволявай страха от грешките, дa те извади от...
Не позволявай страхът от грешките дa те извади от играта.
английски- британски. френски-Франция

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Don't let the fear of making ...
Frans Ne laisse pas la peur des erreurs...
Italiaans Non lasciare...
Source language
Russies Сущность любви - никогда не быть счастливой
Сущность любви - никогда не быть счастливой

Vertalings gedaan
Engels The essence of love
Frans L'essence de l'amour est de n'être jamais heureux
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Masedonies Message
Јас те сакав Стефи тебе многу и имав план да сме заедно, да живеам со тебе. Ок, помина се. Со среќа со новото дечко. Се најдобро од мене. Поззз.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Message
Source language
Brasiliaanse Portugees Não concordo com a nomenclatura homo sapiens para...
Não concordo com a nomenclatura homo sapiens para o homem, pois ele não sabe usar a inteligência e o raciocínio para o bem. Apesar de ser racional é o único animal que faz a guerra, destrói o ambiente, mata por prazer, engana por querer, estupra, escraviza e trai a confiança dos que com ele convive. O homem deveria ser chamado de homem demente ou homem agressivo ou, simplesmente, destruidor.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Je ne suis pas d'accord avec la ...
Engels I disagree with the naming of the ...
Latyn Dissentio genus humanum hominem sapientem vocandum esse
Bulgaars Не съм съгласен(а) с терминологията "Хомо Сапиенс"
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bosnies Ti uzbuđuješ moje srce, ljubavi moja.
Ti uzbuđuješ moje srce, ljubavi moja.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Tu excites mon cœur, mon amour.
Engels You excite my heart, my love.
Source language
Engels Actually, time itself is neutral; it can be used...
Actually, time itself is neutral; it can be used either destructively or constructively. More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than have the people of good will. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.
Part of 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail', by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Any French is good.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans En fait, le temps en lui-même est neutre ; il peut être utilisé ...
Bulgaars Всъщност, времето само по себе си е неутрално; то може да се използва...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Albanies Ti mos boj kot si kur nuk po mundesh dot s'ke...
Ti mos boj kot
si kur nuk po mundesh dot,

s'ke pse mendon
kur asgjë nuk të pengon.

Une di një vend,
s'ka njeri që s'e pëlqen.

Veten gënjen,
Kur unë e di se se se
Unë di se se se


Ti shumë e do,
Ti shumë e do,
Ti shumë e do zemër.

Ty të pëlqen,
Ty të pëlqen,
Ty të pëlqen si ç'do femër.

Ti tundesh fort,
Ti tundesh fort,
Ti tundesh fort mbi taka,

Mua më ke,
Vazhdo kërce!

Tallava Go

Ti pse ndryshon,
Bën atë që nuk e don,
Shansë nuk ka,
S'ke ndëgju ti tallava.

Unë di një vend,
s'ka njeri që se pëlqen.

Veten gënjen,
Kur unë e di se se se
Unë di se se se


Ti shumë e do,
Ti shumë e do,
Ti shumë e do zemër.

Ty të pëlqen,
Ty të pëlqen,
Ty të pëlqen si ç'do femër.

Ti tundesh fort,
Ti tundesh fort,
Ti tundesh fort mbi taka.

Mua me ke,
Vazhdo kerce!

Tallava Go

Ti shumë e do (x4)
Ti tundesh fort (x4)
текста ми трябва за една много хубава песничка -
Flori Mumajesi - Tallava :)

Vertalings gedaan
Masedonies Ти не се преправај...
Bulgaars Ти не се преструвай, че не можеш....
Engels You don't pretend , you can't...
Source language
Russies Это тебе следовало бы больше думать о том, что ты...
Это тебе следовало бы больше думать о том, что ты делаешь, а не им.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Toi, tu devrais penser davantage à ce que tu fais...
Source language
Bulgaars Здавейте казвам се Тодор и съм студент. Живея и...
Здравейте, казвам се Тодор и съм студент. Живея и работя като шофьор в Ботевград. Живея в къща. Имам сестра, тя се казва Миглена и е ученичка в девети клас. Баща ми се казва Детелин и също е шофьор. Майка ми се казва Йорданка. Тя е учителка. Имам куче и котка.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Bonjour, je m’appelle Todor et je suis étudiant. Je vis ....
Source language
Engels A Musician's Press Coverage
"The music has from time to time the same darkness as we know from Univers Zero." -Iconophobic album review
"[It is] far removed from the avant-garde parts of any musical universe"
"You need to tread carefully if you are entering the Iconophobic world of Salim. You have been warned."
"Iconophobic is a strong statement from Salim on life in his home city of Tehran."
"Without information freely given, the visceral heart of the creator will serendipitously change you."
"Without ever becoming predictable, and taking care to add in the odd dissonant or arhythmic segment, the gritty guitars and swirling violins create stunning contrasts..."
"...Hendrix and Santana have also obviously instructed the phenomenal axe genius that Salim truly is."
"After careful listening I really wasn't able to find any particular artists that have influenced them more than others, or indeed pinpoint any specific influences at all."
1. "axe" is a slang word for guitar.
2. "Iconophobic" is the name of a music album. (Please don't translate this word.)

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Cobertura de prensa de un músico
Italiaans Rassegna Stampa su un Musicista
Romeens Revista presei despre un muzician
Brasiliaanse Portugees Cobertura de imprensa de um músico
Russies ОБзор музыкальной Прессы
Deens En musikers pressedækning
Sweeds En musikers pressbevakning
Bulgaars Преглед на музикалната преса
Pools Recenzje prasowe
Noors En musikers pressedekning
Turks Müzisyenin Basın Eleştirisi
Hebreeus כיסוי תקשורתי של מוזיקאי
Source language
Engels Notes on a Music Album #4
The moment I came out of my mother's womb, I cried. Now, after finishing "Iconophobic" I know why. That deep void was a reality that I lost. I followed some chords. Hoping that they lead to the umbilical cord...

I used screaming guitars, classical instruments, electronic beats and even sound effects to grumble, pour out my heart, mourn and rejoice repetitively.

This album is a concept album about fearing the world of imagery. I don't know if it is really a psychological problem but I liked the idea of morbid alienation toward images, icons and in general, reality. Iconophobic's booklet contains a passage in form of a circle that reads:

"Alas that man was free...When there was no image.
Alas that image became a means... for altering the reality.
Alas that reality... is itself, an imagery by man."
1. "I followed some chords. Hoping that they lead to the umbilical cord" means "I played some chords on musical instrument hoping that they help me find [my lost] umbilical cord"
2. Iconophobic is name of the music album. Please don't translate it.

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Comentarios al Album de música #4
Italiaans Note su un'album #4
Russies Музыкальный альбом №4
Frans Notes sur un Album de musique #4
Sweeds Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #4
Nederlands Aantekeningen bij een Album #4
Noors Notater om musikk album #4
Pools Komentarz do albumu muzycznego
Duits Notizen zum Musikalbum Nummer 4
Turks Bir Müzik Albümündeki Notlar #4
Deens Notater til et musikalbum # 4
Sjinees vereenvoudig Notes on a Music Album #4
10Source language10
Engels Welcome to my daydream: ...
Welcome to my daydream: "Avant-garde ancient art-rock from Iran".
1. This is a musician's marketing slogan and the phrase in quotation describes his music style.
2. The slogan compares musician's music style to a daydream.
3. "ancient" alludes to ancient eastern music influences in his music.
4. The music specific "art rock" term for each language could be found at
For Dutch dialect please use "Dutch"

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Слоган
Romeens Sloganul de marketing al unui muzician
Italiaans Benvenuti nel mio sogno ad occhi ...
Deens En musikers markedsføringsslogan.
Bulgaars Добре дошли в моя блян:
Nederlands Een marketing slogan van een muzikant
Sweeds En musikers slogan
Pools Muzyczny slogan marketingowy.
Noors En musikers markedsføring slagord
Serwies Slogan
Litaus Sveiki atvykÄ™...
Frans Bienvenue dans ma rêverie : "Ancien ...
Brasiliaanse Portugees Bem-vindo ao meu sonho
Spaans Bienvenido a mi sueño...
Hebreeus התרגום שביקשת
Grieks Σλόγκαν Μουσικού
Duits auf meiner Träumerei
Latyn Avete cum vigilans somnio...
Kroasies Dobro došli u ...
Esperanto Surmerkatiga slogano de muzikisto
Turks Bir Müzisyeni Pazarlama Sloganı
Sjinees vereenvoudig 欢迎来到我的白日梦
Oekraïenies Слоган
Masedonies Добро дојдовте во мојот сон ...
Tsjeggies Vítejte do mého snění za bíleho dne
Bosnies Dobro došli u moju maštu
Sjinees 伊朗的藝術搖滾
Hongaars Egy zenész jelszava
Thai ยินดีต้อนรับสู่วิมานดนตรี
Source language
Frans Bon... Trop tard pour souhaiter la bonne année,...
Bon... Trop tard pour souhaiter la bonne année, je suis bien pris par mon travail actuel, mais je pense à vous tout de même, [b]chers amis et collègues de[/b] :1: ;)

[userid=91733] et [userid=21837] assurent toujours l'administration, et ils sont maintenant secondés par [userid=21383], [userid=76309] et [userid=140952], également de rudes travailleurs! ;) :)

Nous avons maintenant une rubrique [link=k_v_825_]FAQ[/link], qui était, paraît-il, très demandée, et aussi de nouveaux experts très jeunes et très compétents, la valeur n'attend pas le nombre des années! -%!

Autre nouveauté, mais pas des moindres, nous avons désormais une barre de recherche google interne au site, et c'est un grand avantage pour les usagers, membres assidus, experts et admins qui recherchent des textes déjà traduits sur :1: :)

Ce n'est un secret pour personne, je suis trés occupé par mon travail d'indépendant dans les jeux vidéos. Si vous souhaitez voir pourquoi je ne me connecte pas assez souvent, vous pouvez allez visiter les [url=]jeux iPhone que je réalise[/url].

D'ailleurs je suis beaucoup plus réactif sur [url=]twitter[/url] si vous voulez me joindre.
News for the site

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Too late for the happy new year...
Noors For sent for et godt nytt år...
Deens For sent for at ønske godt nytår...
Kroasies Pre kasno je za zaželjeti vam sretnu novu godinu,
Farsie-Persies خوب... برای تبریک سال نو دیر شده
Romeens Ei bine...E cam târziu acum să vă urez un an bun...
Italiaans Beh, troppo tardi per augurare buon anno...
Spaans Es muy tarde para desear feliz año nuevo
Bulgaars Добре де..... Твърде късно е да честитя Новата година,...
Portugees Bom... é demasiado tarde
Sweeds Ok... för sent att önska gott nytt år
Nederlands Te laat voor een gelukkig nieuw jaar...
Litaus KÄ… gi...
Pools Cóż… Za późno na życzenia noworoczne
Katalaans Bé... És massa tard per a desitjar un bon any
Hongaars Boldog új évet kívánni már késő
Turks Tamam…iyi yıl dileği için çok geç
Oekraïenies Що ж... Надто пізно вітати з Новим Роком
Grieks Είναι αργά για τα χρόνια πολλά...
Duits Nun gut... Es ist ein bisschen zu spät
Serwies Dobro, kasno je da vam poželim Novu godinu...
Esperanto Nu... Tro malfrue por bondeziri pri nova jaro...
Sjinees vereenvoudig 迟来的新年快乐
Fins Tuota... On liian myöhäistä toivottaa hyvää uutta vuotta...
Bosnies No... Pre kasno je za zaželjeti vam sretnu novu godinu,...
Letties Labi… Apsveikt jūs Jaunajā Gadā jau par vēlu,…
Albanies Është shumë vonë për të uruar vitin e ri
Viëtnamees Quá muá»™n cho lời chúc mừng năm má»›i....
Bretons Ma ... Re ziwezhat eo da souetiñ ur bloavezh mat deoc'h
Hebreeus מאוחר מדי ל"שנה טובה"...
Russies Что же.… Слишком поздно поздравлять с новым годом
Thai อวยพรปีใหม่ช้าไปหน่อย...
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